
Xpressive 2.0.0
Xpressive 2.0.0


  • Fixed an issue in heuristics when SOS-constraints were present.
  • Fixed an issue in branching that could lead to crashes if the LP relaxation could not be solved.
  • Fixed an issue when all general constraints were AND/OR constraints with fixed resultant which could lead to those constraints being incorrectly ignored.
  • Fixed an issue in the pwl/gencons API that could lead to crashes if the second add-call consisted of many more breakpoints/columns per constraint than the first one.
  • Fixed an issue with weak dual reductions being applied globally that could lead to incorrect cutoffs and wrong solutions.
  • Fixed a problem with calculating Hessians for objective transfer rows.
  • xpressive 2.0.0

  • Providing an invalid file path should no longer crash XPRSwriteprtsol.
  • Fixed an issue updating the solution value of the objective transfer column for nonlinear problems.
  • Fixed an issue with the MIP log that would incorrectly report unfinished for an infeasible problem.
  • XPRSsetlogfile will now issue an error if the logfile cannot be opened.
  • Fixed an issue with piecewise linear functions in the Python interface where the value at the upper extreme of an interval is ignored if two intervals are separated, i.e., they are not contiguous.
  • Fixed an issue when loading semi-continuous variables with infinite lower bound.
  • Changed an example in the Python set to better reflect the original model.
  • Fixed a performance issue with a heuristic to reduce the number of fractionals in MIP solves.
  • Fixed an issue causing the rootpresolve=1 control setting being ignored by the Optimizer.
  • Fixed an issue in the multiplication operator of the Python interface between linear expressions.
  • Fixed an issue in the dual sifting algorithm.
  • Fixed an issue that would ignore small bounds on integer variables in the Python interface.
  • Fixed an issue in which final MIP bound may exceed MIP objective.
  • Fixed a performance issue with presolve eliminations when eliminating on very large rows.
  • Best bound now displays correctly for negative objectives.įixed in Release 8.9.3 Xpress Optimizer 36.01.04.
  • "App has been published" message reworded when incremental publish means no upload was necessary.
  • Workbench now detecting Insight Execution Modes when attached to declarations.
  • New HTML File template now using correct version of Insight Javascript API.

  • In Python Insight models, the "if _name_ = '_main_'" code branch is now taken.
  • No longer incorrectly enabling local debug of Python files.
  • Solutions can now be accessed from callbacks when solving with XNLP.
  • Trying to run a package no longer causes a deadlock.
  • Loop indices can now be dereferenced when they refer to lists or arrays.

    Trying to initialise an array of booleans from strings using the 'bin:' driver no longer causes memory corruptions.


  • Preprocessing on unary resources used as alternative resources: no longer use the disjunction branching.įixed in Release 8.10 Xpress Optimizer 36.01.10Īll fixes from Xpress Update 8.9.3 (Optimizer 36.01.04)Īll fixes from Xpress Update 8.9.3 (Nonlinear 36.01.04).
  • 'cp_show_stats' now also shows a metric for time spent in callbacks.
  • Added a warning to close a schedule before propagation and close it directly when solving.
  • xpressive 2.0.0

  • New 'cp_print_stats' subroutine to export in raw CSV format the output displayed by 'cp_show_stats'.
  • Console error stream output starting with "INFO" will not highlight in red.
  • Procedures 'loadprob(boolean,linctr)' and 'loadprob(boolean,linctr,set of mpvar)' are deprecated and will be removed in a future release ('loadprob' now always forces a reload of the problem).
  • New type 'boolvar' for expressing Boolean constraints.
  • New 'pwlin' function to represent piecewise linear expressions.
  • 'fmin'/'fmax' can now be used with a list or a variable number of arguments.
  • 'untar'/'unzip' now accept to extract absolute symbolic links.
  • xpressive 2.0.0

    Can tune problems remotely (including in parallel if multiple Insight 5 workers are available).Allows solving IIS and repairinfeas problems remotely.

    xpressive 2.0.0

  • Key callbacks including logging, integer solution and gapnotify are supported in compute mode.
  • Remote solving of LPs, MIPs, quadratic and nonlinear problems are supported.

    No local license is required for Xpress applications connected to an Xpress compute server (the compute server must be licensed to allow for compute connections).No need to modify applications using Xpress to utilize the new compute server mode, the connection is initiated by setting environment variables.Solve problems remotely on an Xpress Insight 5 worker with any Xpress application running locally.New in Release 8.10 Xpress Optimizer 36.01.10

    Xpressive 2.0.0